Random Date

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Spend Energy to go on a Random Date with a randomly selected Family member. Going on a random date with a Family member awards Blessing Points based on the Family member's Blessing Power.

Date Points

Date Points are the Energy the Player uses to go on Random Dates with Family members. The Player starts with [insert#] Date Point Energy when they first begin the game. As the Player's Rank increases, they unlock a higher Date Point Energy limit.

Date Point Energy naturally recovers over time. Items can also be used to increase Energy.

Upon completion of the Random Date, the Player will see a `Random Date Reward` and the character that went on the Date will receive Blessing Points. If your Family Member has a CG and they go on the CG date, they will receive `Bonus` Blessing Points.

Auto Date

Unlocks at Player Rank 15 or can be unlocked at VIP3

Auto Date removes the cut scenes and minor dialog that occurs during non-event Random Date.

Special Effects:

  • Flowering Fate: The Next date will be held with the chosen Family member.
    • Triggered while Roaming.
  • Divination of Fate: Two children can be adopted during your next Random Date.
    • Triggered while Roaming.

Random Dates Locations

The locations are chosen at random, each with a unique line of dialog from the Family member per area.

The Player's Home

  • Maynard dances for you
    • Dialog TBA
  • Melody invites you to her flower garden.
    • Repeated: You've had a sweet time with Melody.
  • Learn to cook Touno cuisine from Ookami
    • You have to flip the octopus at the right moment or it'll burn, let me guide you step by step~
  • Play hide-and-seek with Nene.
    • I've hidden well this time. There's no way I'll lose...Come find me, Master!
  • Pinor opened a bottle of fine wine for you
    • I've never been drunk, but I feel a little dizzy now...Would you mind if I lean on you a little~?
  • Take a nap at home with Joyce
    • Let's just relax and "stick" together~ Hehe, how is that? My body feels cool, doesn't it~?
  • Sleep in with Freyja
    • *yawn*...Hehehe~...lord [UN] is so warm...
  • ⭐ You're sweating hard exercising with Epona...
    • Repeated: TBA
  • ⭐On the night of the date, Denier locks herself in the room...
    • Repeated: You've had a sweet time with Melody.

Opera House

  • Watch a performance with Isatilra...

Drakenberg Streets

  • ⭐While shopping with Lina...
    • Repeated: You've had a sweet time with Lina.
  • Take Otherkin to a bustling place...
    • Everyone around us is looking at us with fear in their eyes~ We're like an Archdemon couple~
  • Stroll around the market with Gina
    • There are so many sweet couples strolling around...Just like you and Gina.
  • Go Shopping with Rachel
    • These...these clothes are too fancy for me! What...what do you think?
  • Take Nene to a lively place.
    • Walking alongside Master in front of everyone-! So embarrassing, I wish I could turn into something and hide...But this is to train my courage.

Drakenberg Coffee Shop

  • Enjoy afternoon tea with Ookami
    • So this is the coffee you like so much? It's quite different from Touno Island's teasim~
  • Offer Melody a cup of coffee
    • This cup contains your condensed love. I'm sure it'll definitely make me grow even more lush~
  • Have afternoon tea with Denier
    • The workload here is heavier than I expected... Little mushroom, help me relieve the stress~
  • Take Sofia to try popular desserts
    • Wow, this is it! My guildmates have recommended it for so long. Now I finally get to eat it with [UN]~

Drakenberg Fortune Teller

  • Go to a fortune teller with Lina
    • The next performance must be a success! And also...I hope [UN] would spend more time with me...

Drakenburg Opera Theater

  • Watch a performance with Isatilra
    • Their dance moves compared with mine...which one attracts you more?
  • Watch a performance with Denier
    • The methods of this devil in the play are really ruthless...Does Little Mushroom want me to learn her ways?

Drakenburg Library

  • Take Dia to do book maintenance.
    • Ah~ This new book cover feels so comfortable...Thank you , Master.


  • Go to the beach with Selena
    • If we keep diving from here, we'll reach my hometown...Lonely? Of course not, because I have you by my side!
  • Bath in the sea with Epona
    • Swimming is so refreshing. You wanna swim together?
  • Go on vacation to the beach with Lina
    • It would be awful if I got sunburned...Help me put on some sunscreen, would you?


  • Go camping with Charlotte
    • What nice, comfortable weather~ Here, I prepared a lunch for us. Let's sit down and eat!
  • Travel with Sofia
    • Day off 🎵~ Day off 🎵~ We work hard during the week! Days off are surely for having fun with people we like~
  • View flower blossom with Ookami
    • This is a bento I made myself...If you don't mind, let me feed you~ Ahh~
  • Play hide-and-seek with Otherin
    • Hehe...This time I was willing to be captured.
  • Play outdoors with Gina
    • I know it may be an out-of-line request...but can we play a little longer? Time flies when you're by my side.
  • Take a walk with Susie
    • I usually spent my days off with mom and dad...But today, shopping with someone I like...So this is what it feels like.
  • Jog and Exercise with Epona
    • I'll slow down so we can jog side by side.
  • Stroll in the park with an arm around Selena
    • If you're tire, sit down and rest for a while -- but you still have to hold me!
  • Help Melody water the flowers
    • Hmm, the flowers are all blooming splendidly... But [Username], you better not go seeking other flowers. My flowers are the best!
  • Take Vivian and the children to the park.
    • Children, don't run too far away. Play where [UN] and I can see you.
  • Go walking with Rachel
    • Even I can be a little bit capricious with you around me...?
  • Dance with Isatilra
    • This dance with no one watching, inside which we are both the lead and the audience.
  • Take a walk with Bridget
    • I am a knight, after all, I have sworn to protect your safety. So it's okay to get a little closer...Ah! Not that close!

Elven Forest

  • Search for raw materials for wine with Pinor
    • TBA
  • Return to nature with Otherin
    • I feel comfortable in a place like this...But that's with you by my side, of course~

Outside of Country Town

  • Accompany Charlotte to her hometown
    • Hey everyone, here is [UN]! Come and say hello!

Luxury Hotel

  • Taken by Selena to a luxury hotel
    • The price? I already said not to worry about it. We came here to enjoy ourselves. We'll spend lots of time together!


  • ⭐Just as you were preparing to go on a date, you were suddenly held up by a couple of unexpected affairs...
    • Repeated: You've had a sweet time with Isatilra.
  • ⭐You receive an invitation from Ookami
    • Repeated: You've had a sweet time with Ookami.
  • ⭐You accompany Nene in Ninjutsu training...
    • Repeated: You've had a sweet time with Nene.
  • ⭐Out with Otherin (Village Archery Range)
    • Repeated: You've had a sweet time with Otherin

Random Date: CG


⭐You receive an invitation from Ookami
Click For CG Date Spoilers
Click For CG Date Spoilers
  • [Player]: Haa..It's...been a while since I exercised like this...I didn't expect it to be... so tiresome... I should exercise more frequently... in the future
  • [Player]: Epona... Are you okay... Epona?
  • You got up from the ground and looked around for Epona's figure--
[CG `After Exercise` picture of Epona spraying themselves with water]
  • Epona: Hoo... [Username]? Have you rested enough?
  • Epona: Since we sweat a lot and it's very hot, I want to take a quick shower here...[Username], remember to hydrate yourself too, okay?
  • Epona: This kind of exercise is really refreshing...What's wrong? Why...are you staring at me?
  • [Player]: Sorry... It's just that the sight of you, shining in the water, is too beautiful, Epona...I'm lost in thought...
  • Epona: Ah...! P-Please don't say that! I...will get embarrassed...
  • [Player]: Hehe...Let me dry you off, otherwise you might catch a cold.
  • Epona: Mm...Mm... Then... please...
  • After drying Epona's body, you take a walk together.

Adopt Child

Gender/species is randomized.

Ability unlocks after 2nd date/prior to Stage 3-2

External Links

Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited


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