
Revision as of 00:03, 7 October 2023 by Cleo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "overview Artifacts Attributes Artifact level Artifact Quality Artifact Type Artifact Skills === Improving Artifacts === ==== Artifact Recasting ==== Recasting define ==== Leveling Up Artifact ==== define ==== Artifact Ascension ==== details === Recycle === Artifacts can be recycled. After recycling an Artifact, it will disappear from the player's inventory and grant a recycling reward - typically Magic Ore, the amount varies depending on the Artifact's rarity....")
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Artifacts Attributes

Artifact level

Artifact Quality

Artifact Type

Artifact Skills

Improving Artifacts

Artifact Recasting

Recasting define

Leveling Up Artifact


Artifact Ascension



Artifacts can be recycled. After recycling an Artifact, it will disappear from the player's inventory and grant a recycling reward - typically Magic Ore, the amount varies depending on the Artifact's rarity.

  • Leveled Up Artifacts: All the materials used to upgrade them will be returned.
  • Ascended Artifacts: All the materials used to upgrade them will be returned.

Prior to Recycling an artifact, [DIALOG BOX]

how to get artifacts


Background Color: Green

Image Name Description Apitude Skill/Effect Slots Recycle Cost to Lv.
Goblin Club A goblin's favorite wooden hammer, can be used to crack nuts. 2 2 5 10
Dwarf Hammer A stone hammer used by dwarves. Can be used for some simple processing TBA TBA
Kemono Drum A leather drum used by Kemonos. They often use it before hunting or fighting to invigorate themselves. TBA TBA

Lv1 cost: 10


Background Color: Blue

Image Name Description Base


Skill/Effect Slots Recycle Cost to Lv.
Felling Axe An axe owned by every household in the village, necessary for chopping and processing firewood. 4 3 10 20
Herbalist's Mortar A tool used by apothecaries to grind herbs. It is recommended to keep it out of reach of children.
Snow Boots Boots that are essential in winter. People can walk on snow as if on flat ground with it. Besides its non-slip function, it's also very warm.


Background Color: Purple

Image Name Description Base Aptitude Initial Skill Count Recycle Cost to Lv.
Maid Bell A bell that can produce a crisp sound. Some bartenders in certain places will wear it on their person. 6 4 15 30
Nocturnal Lantern A lantern using white phosphorus, frequently used by night watchmen. It has a similar color to ghost light.
Preliminary Textbook A textbook specifically designed for young children who just start school, teaching some general knowledges and basics.
Refined Anvil A sturdy and durable anvil, seemingly unremarkable yet it's very sophisticated. Not even one flaw can be found.
Ancient Slate Astone with its surface slightly eroded, where some lost magic are recorded. 8 5 20 40
Craftsman's Goggles The latest fashionable goggles. Craftsmen consider them a part of trendy attire.
Infinite Quiver A magic quiver imbued with life force. As long as there is one arrow in it, it will continue to replicate endlessly, eliminating the need to retrieve arrows.
Invigorating Harp A harp that can turn melodies into magic and inspire the souls of its listeners according to the tune it plays. Yet it'll bring negative effects if played badly.


Background Color: Gold

Image Name Description Base


Initial Skill/Effect Slots Recycle Cost to Lv.
Master Key A master key can open any door. It's said that it contains the power of the moon. 10 6 25 50
Magic Pendant A pendant produced by magic academy. It can amplify the magic power of its owner. 12 30
Lucky Horseshoe The horseshoe used in championship race horse. It represents good luck and is often used as talismans. 14 35
Physical Orbuculum A crystal ball used for divination, through which future can be revealed. 16 40


Background Color: Purple

Image Name Description Aptitude Skill/Effect Slots Recycle Cost to Lv.
Meowna Lisa A world-famous painting created by a genius painter long time ago. The elusive smile on this cat lady's lip has attracted so many people. 20 8 (200) Magical Ore

(5) Quenching Stone

Cloak of Levitation A think cloak of gauze imitating the shape of oath. Models wearing it look very attractive on fashion show. 25 8 (250) Magical Ore

(6) Quenching Stone

Mask of Nobility A popular mask among the privileged. It represents the owners' nobility as well as their unique taste. 30 8 TBA TBA
Mermaid's Tear The largest pearl ever, shining soft and gentle lustre, as if a drop of mermaid's tear. 35 8 TBA TBA
Sapphire Crown A crown with a blue gemstone embedded. It is said that two kingdoms once fought fiercely just to own it. But it's a pity that the authenticity of this story cannot be verified. 45 8 (450) Magical Ore

(10) Quenching Stone

Golden Apple An apple made of pure gold and received blessing. It can make people powerful or own the most beautiful love. 50 10 TBA TBA
Horn of Plenty A wonderful horn overflowing with different kinds of produce, flowers, or nuts. People don't worry getting starved with it. 55 10 TBA TBA
Magic Lamp A magic lamp from foreign land. Wish to it and you can see the god inside. As for what he is going to do? It all depends on his feelings. 60 10 TBA TBA

UR-Artifact Awaken Upgrade

Increase Skill count of artifact.

Artifacts leveled up using Quenching stone.

Sapphire crown can have its Awaken skill count upgraded using Quenching Stones or Crystal Fragments