
Revision as of 01:17, 7 October 2023 by Cleo (talk | contribs)

Pupil Attributes

Pupil Intellect

This represents a Pupil's education potential and is determined by their relationship with their Caretaker. The higher a Pupil's Intellect, the higher their Earnings will be. This is represented with a letter: A, B, C, D.

Pupil Type

This represents the natural characteristics of a pupil. This is assessed to be chosen at random and fits into the same Types as Fellows: Inspiring, Diligent, Brave, Informed, Unfettered.

Pupil Education

The higher the Player's Rank, the better the educate methods and the higher the Player's Pupil Earnings will be.

When the child is first placed in the school, the player will be required to name them prior to Educating them. The orphan character model changes to a cleaner `well-dressed child` model once they've been named.

Pupils consume Education Points when in class. Attending class will increase a Pupil's educational progress and earn the player Fellow EXP. The higher the Player's Rank, the more experience will be gained.

The Pupil sprite will change from the 'well-dressed child' model to their adult model at (36) education points.

Education Points recover at a rate of 1 point ever 5 minutes. Items may also be used to obtain Education Points.

Intellect Required EP Intellect Required EP
A+ B 200
A B- 155
A- C 125
B+ 280 D 100


Pupils can graduate when their education is completed. After graduating, Pupils will receive Earnings and item rewards. Earnings are determined by Caretaker Intimacy, education, Pupil Intellect, and the Pupil's Type. Certain Fellow Talents and Family member Relationship Skills can also improve a Pupil's Earnings.

Uniting Graduates

After graduating, Pupils can be united with the children raised by other players.

Pupil Unions: Unions can be completed automatically with anyone in the server or by manually selecting a partner. Manual selection requires that the invited Transcender agrees with the union.

After a Union is complete, players will recieve a reward that can be used to improve Fellow skills in the mail.

After completing a Union, your Pupil's Earnings will increase the earnings of their new partner and vice versa. This bonus cannot exceed (5) times the amount of your Pupil's Earnings.

Pupils have a chance of becoming "Workaholics" after graduaction, which will earn a large amount of graduation rewards and greatly increase earnings. Workaholic Pupils cannot perform Unions with other Pupils.

The maximum number of pupils that can complete Unions is 20.

Union Hall

Visit the Union Hall to see all of your Graduates waiting for a Union, your most recent 50 United Graduates, and your most recent 50 workaholics.

Graduate Tab

This is the first tab to load upon entering the Union Hall. If you didn't choose to form union immediately upon graduation, you'll find your Pupil waiting in the Union Hall on the `Graduate` tab. From here you can see the Pupil's gender, adult character sprite, name, and Earnings. Tapping on your Pupil's character sprite will show you additional information including Caretaker, Intellect, Union Gift and amount, and their Job title.


Tapping on the `Union` button will bring up a dialog box that allows you to select a Union mate for them.

Union - Server Tab

This is the first tab to display when looking for a Union mate. This will display all of the currently available All-Server Request Pupils of the opposite gender. If there are choices available, It will display a character sprite, name, Earnings, and educator Player Username. If there are currently no choices available, the area will be blank.

On the end of the entry about the individual Pupil, there is a `Union` button. Pressing the `Union` button will cause your current Pupil to automatically create a Union with the chosen Pupil of the other player. These Unions cannot be canceled once accepted.

Tapping the `All-Server Request` Button will submit your character to be made available for any other Player on your Server to Automatically create a Union with. This returns you to the Union Hall. From here, you'll see that your Pupil has the following: `Requesting Server Unions`, under that is timer set to start at `24-Hour`, at the bottom is a `Cancel` button. Tapping the Cancel button prior to a Union allows you to remove your Pupil from the public Server Union Request queue.

Union - Guild Tab

This will display all of the currently available Guild Request Pupils of the opposite gender. If there are choices available, It will display a character sprite, name, Earnings, and educator Player Username. If there are currently no choices available, the area will be blank.

On the end of the entry about the individual Pupil, there is a `Union` button. Pressing the `Union` button will cause your current Pupil to automatically create a Union with the chosen Pupil of the other player. These Unions cannot be canceled once accepted.

Tapping the `Guild Request` Button will submit your character to be made available for any other Player with in your Guild to Automatically create a Union with. This returns you to the Union Hall. From here, you'll see that your Pupil has the following: `Requesting Guild Unions`, under that is timer set to start at `24-Hour`, at the bottom is a `Cancel` button. Tapping the Cancel button prior to a Union allows you to remove your Pupil from the public Guild Union Request queue.

Union - Designate


These Unions can be canceled by the other Player or will cancel automatically once the timer runs out.

United Tab

From here you can see your United graduate with their Union mate, the date and server time their Union was finalized, their joint Earnings, and the Username of the Player who educated their union mate. Your Pupil will appear on the left. Tapping your Pupil's sprite will bring up their name, Caretaker, Intellect, Type, Job, and Earnings. Tapping on their Union mate will bring up their name, the Player Username who educated them, Intellect, Type, Job, and Earnings.

Current as of 9/21/2023 only Pupils of different genders (Boy x Girl) can create a Union.

Workaholic Tab

From here you can see the Pupil's gender, adult character sprite, name, and Earnings. Tapping on your Pupil's character sprite will show you additional information including Caretaker, Intellect, and their Job title.



Currently the Blackboard behind the Teacher NPC has (5)x different pictures that appear during the Arrival/Naming of a Child, During Lessons, and Upon Graduation. There are (3) different illustrations present During Lessons, the selection of which appears is currently Randomized.

Arrival Lessons (1) Lessons (2) Lessons (3) Graduation

Student - Teacher Dialogue

Child Prior to Being Named:

  • What will they teach...?
  • I'm gonna study really hard!
  • I'm so nervous...
  • When does it start?
  • The teacher looks so strict...
  • Will I be able to make new friends?
  • I want a cute name!

Child during lesson:

  • Remember it well (h)
    • Work a little harder...
    • Where was I?

Teacher Dialog
Hexagram Plant Fight
  • Attributes increase one another...
  • ...Clear imagery is needed here

External Links

Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited


This page is for entertainment, reference, and general information purposes only. It is not run by or directly affiliated with Mars Era (HK) Limited. Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited is copyright of Mars Era (HK) Limited. All trademarks and registered trademarks are proprietary to Mars Era (HK) Limited. The use of data and images is believed to fall under the fair dealing clause of copyright law.