Camping Under the Stars

[Insert graphic with caption: Camping Under the Stars event front page and entry portal.]

Around the campfire under stars, the girls are talking about recent anecdotes and stories. In this Cozy atmosphere, some interesting topics may raise their interests.

Event Activity Screen

Entering the event will bring up the following screen:

Entry image for Sea Fishing with three arrows numbered 1, 2, and 3.
Replace graphic with one for appropriate event and same #s
  1. Tapping this area will bring up the Event Supplies "Shop".
  2. The "Use 10" Checkbox for the event unlocks when the Player reaches Rank 8.
  3. Shows where the Player can tap to view the current highest ranking

During the event period, Event Items can be obtained through completing Time-Limited Event "Tasks" and at the Event "Supplies" Store. The Player exchanges the Event "Supply" Items to obtain both random rewards and Event Points - the latter of which can be exchanged for items in the Event Points Store.

Supplies `Shop`

CORRECT underlined TO FIT EVENT: Opening the Event Supplies `Shop` will present the Player with four different types of Bait to Fish with. Each bait has a specific cost and a specific "Daily Limit" amount that each Player is allowed to purchase each day during the event.

Supplies Shop
Image Name Points Cost Daily Limit
TBA "About Gossip" +300 Free 10
TBA "About Making Wishes" +600 20 Crystals 20
TBA "About Walking Mushrooms" +1000 50 Crystals 10
TBA "About Love" +1200 100 Crystals 5

The ability to purchase more Bait resets at the start of a new day according to the server clock.

⚠️Warning! After the event ends, the unused Event [TOKEN NAME] Items are converted to Event Points that can be spent in the Event Point Exchange Shop.

Noteable Rewards [or another pun]

Each type of Bait will give the player both Event Points to spend in the Event Exchange Shop and a random event reward. The quality of the event reward depends on the type of Bait used and each Bait has a range of items the player could receive.

The below table Lists the types of Bait along the top and the Random Event Rewards the player could receive when using that bait. A ✅indicates which Rewards could be collected and the ❌indicates that the specific Bait does not offer a chance to receive that reward.

Bait Reward Range

Which Bait will net which rewards?


Types of Bait for event
Reward Name ⬇️ "About Gossip" "About Making Wishes" "About Walking Mushrooms" "About Love"
Song: "Starry Love"
Song: "Unhappy Elder"
Song: "Princess's Wish"
Song: "Prince's Wish"
Song: "Otherworld Stars"
Song: "Single Golden Mushroom"
gold 1
gold 2

Random Event Rewards List

As the event is based on fishing, the Random Event Rewards are based on sea critters! Each Random Event Reward sea critter can be used to increase a Fellow's Power by a range of points of which the applied number will be randomly chosen when the item is used. These sea critters can be used from the Player's Storage and will be listed under the Event Tab.

Sea Fishing - Random Event Rewards Sea Critters
Image Name Description
TBA Song: "Starry Love" "The Warrior Star meets the Demon Star again~ Shall their difficult love in past lives be continued?" Used to increase a Family Member's Intimacy 1~3 Points.
TBA Song: "Unhappy Elder" "How old-school and serious elf elder is ~Yet his son fell in love with a bunny girl~?" Used to increase a Family Member's Intimacy by 2~5 Points.
TBA Song: "Princess's Wish" "For her beloved monster ~ The princess wishes to be captured again in the cave~?" Used to increase a Family Member's Intimacy by 3~6 Points.
TBA Song: "Prince's Wish" "For his beloved maid~ The prince wishes for his fiancee to find happiness in the cave~?" Used to increase a Family member's Intimacy by 4~10 Points.
TBA Song: "Otherworld Stars" The Lord occasionally hums this "Twinkle, twinkle, little start, how I wonder what you are..." Used to increase a Family Member's Intimacy by [CUT off add next event]
TBA Song: "Single Golden Mushroom" "I wonder which lucky girl will be able to accompany him~?" Used to increase a Family Member's Intimacy by 5~16.
TBA gold 1
TBA gold 2

Event Point Exchange Shop

Besides getting Random Event Rewards sea critters, the Player will receive Event Points for each Bait they turn in during the event. These Event Points can be exchanged for items in the Events Point Exchange Shop.

Trimmed screenshot of Sea Fishing event page with an arrow denoting where the player can locate the Event Point Exchange Shop.
exchange for appropriate image

Locating the Event Point Exchange Shop

The Event Point Exchange Shop can accessed from the Camping Under the Stars Event front page

  1. Tapping this area will bring up the Event Point Exchange Shop
Trimmed screenshot featuring the Sea Fishing Event Point Exchange Shop interface with an arrow numbered 2 to denote where the player can see how many Event Points they have to spend.

Event Point Exchange Shop Interface

When the Player brings up the shop, they can drag the screen up and down to reveal the entire inventory. 2. Indicates where the Player can see how many Event Points they have to spend. Each item has a different price per individual item and Daily Limit as to how many of an item that Players are allowed to purchase from the store during the event. Once the Player has reached the Daily Limit, the item will be moved the bottom of the shop and be listed as `Sold Out`. The ability to purchase more of a specific item will reset at the start of a new day according to the server clock.

Trimmed screenshot for the event Sea Fishing showing what happens when the Player taps the Price button.

Purchasing Items

When the Player taps on one of the Point Price buttons, a secondary menu will pop up to provide the Player the opportunity to use a slider bar to select how many of a particular item they wish to purchase. The number they can purchase will be set by how many Event Points the Player has to spend and the Daily Limit the Player is allowed to purchase.

Below is a list of the items currently available to purchase from the Camping Under the Stars Event Point Exchange Shop. It lists the item, the Daily Limit, and Price of the item.

Camping Under the Stars

Event Point Exchange Shop Item List

Item Daily Limit Point Cost
Fairy Bottle 20 750
Skill Pearl 30 5K
Acquaint Stone Fragment 2 15K
Valiant Insignia Fragment 20 15K
Hope Crystal Ore 50 1.5K
Wisdom Crystal Ore 50 1.5K
Bravery Crystal Ore 50 1.5K
Secret Realm Horn 30 80
EXP Stone 100 80
Basic Earnings Card 100 30
Magic Ore 300 500
Focus Candy 500 60
Advanced Earnings Card 20 2K
Golden Ring 200 500
Flower Necklace 200 500

⚠️Warning! Unspent Event Points not used before the end of the event redemption period will be retained for the next time the Camping Under the Stars event takes place on the Player's server.

Event Rankings

Rankings are based on the amount of Event Points that Players accumulated during the event. The Final Ranking results are calculated (5) minutes after the Even ends. The Player's Rank Rewards are distributed after the final calculations.

Cross-Server Rank

Measures your Rank of points earned during the event against all other Players on both your Server and the competing Server.

Cross-Server Rank Rewards

The quantity of rewards a Player receives is dependent on their Rank upon completion of the event.[1]

  • Rank 1
    • (15) Skill Pearl, (40) Bravery Crystal Ore, (40) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (40) Hope Crystal Ore, (30) Building Upgrade Blueprint, (100) Fame Card, (100) Focus Candy, (30) Study Notes, (20) Stamina Potion, (20) Succubus Tonic
  • Rank 2
    • (10) Skill Pearl, (30) Bravery Crystal Ore, (30) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (30) Hope Crystal Ore, (20) Building Upgrade Blueprint, (50) Fame Card, (50) Focus Candy, (20) Study Notes, (10) Stamina Potion, (10) Succubus Tonic
  • Rank 3
    • (8) Skill Pearl, (24) Bravery Crystal Ore, (24) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (24) Hope Crystal Ore, (15) Building Upgrade Blueprint, (25) Fame Card, (25) Focus Candy, (10) Study Notes, (5) Stamina Potion, (5) Succubus Tonic
  • Rank 4-5
    • (6) Skill Pearl, (18) Bravery Crystal Ore, (18) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (18) Hope Crystal Ore, (10) Building Upgrade Blueprint, (10) Fame Card, (10) Focus Candy, (5) Study Notes, (3) Stamina Potion, (3) Succubus Tonic
  • Rank 6-10
    • (5) Skill Pearl, (12) Bravery Crystal Ore, (12) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (12) Hope Crystal Ore, (8) Building Upgrade Blueprint
  • Rank 11-20
    • (4) Skill Pearl, (9) Bravery Crystal Ore, (9) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (9) Hope Crystal Ore, (6) Building Upgrade Blueprint
  • Rank 21-50
    • (3) Skill Pearl, (6) Bravery Crystal Ore, (6) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (6) Hope Crystal Ore, (5) Building Upgrade Blueprint
  • Rank 51-100
    • (2) Skill Pearl, (3) Bravery Crystal Ore, (3) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (3) Hope Crystal Ore, (4) Building Upgrade Blueprint
  • Rank 101-200
    • (1) Skill Pearl, (2) Bravery Crystal Ore, (2) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (2) Hope Crystal Ore, (3) Building Upgrade Blueprint
  • Rank 201-500
    • (1) Skill Pearl, (1) Bravery Crystal Ore, (1) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (1) Hope Crystal Ore, (2) Building Upgrade Blueprint

Server Rank

Measures your Rank of points earned during the event against all other Players on only the Player's Server.[2]

Server Rank Rewards

The quantity of rewards a Player receives is dependent on their Rank upon completion of the event.

  • Rank 1
    • (100) Magic Ore, (30) Bravery Crystal Ore, (30) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (30) Hope Crystal Ore, (100) Basic Earnings Card, (50) Study Notes, (20) Fame Card, (50) Focus Candy, (10) Succubus Tonic, (10) Stamina Potion
  • Rank 2
    • (80) Magic Ore, (24) Bravery Crystal Ore, (24) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (24) Hope Crystal Ore, (80) Basic Earnings Card, (25) Study Notes, (10) Fame Card, (25) Focus Candy, (5) Succubus Tonic, (5) Stamina Potion
  • Rank 3
    • (60) Magic Ore, (18) Bravery Crystal Ore, (18) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (18) Hope Crystal Ore, (60) Basic Earnings Card, (10) Study Notes, (5) Fame Card, (10) Focus Candy, (3) Succubus Tonic, (3) Stamina Potion
  • Rank 4-5
    • (50) Magic Ore, (12) Bravery Crystal Ore, (12) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (12) Hope Crystal Ore, (40) Basic Earnings Card
  • Rank 6-10
    • (40) Magic Ore, (9) Bravery Crystal Ore, (9) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (9) Hope Crystal Ore, (30) Basic Earnings Card
  • Rank 11-20
    • (30) Magic Ore, (6) Bravery Crystal Ore, (6) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (6) Hope Crystal Ore, (20) Basic Earnings Card
  • Rank 21-50
    • (20) Magic Ore, (3) Bravery Crystal Ore, (3) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (3) Hope Crystal Ore, (10) Basic Earnings Card
  • Rank 51-100
    • (10) Magic Ore, (2) Bravery Crystal Ore, (2) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (2) Hope Crystal Ore, (8) Basic Earnings Card
  • Rank 101-200
    • (5) Magic Ore, (1) Bravery Crystal Ore, (1) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (1) Hope Crystal Ore, (6) Basic Earnings Card
  • Rank 201-500
    • (3) Magic Ore, (1) Bravery Crystal Ore, (1) Wisdom Crystal Ore, (1) Hope Crystal Ore, (4) Basic Earnings Card


  • The Event Item submission page includes the following characters: [Family-the coffee shop Sorceress], Gina, Charlotte, and R??. When the player `Uses` the item, a short animation of characters moving along to the music, with R?? playing their lyre and singing, plays before a `Congratulations` banner pops up and presents the player with their Event Points and Event Prize(s).
  1. List of Cross-Server Rank Rewards is based on information of Server S-48 vs. Server S-47 and is current as of 10/3/2023.
  2. List of Server Rank Rewards is based on information from Server S-47 and is current as of 10/3/2023.

External Links

Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited


This page is for entertainment, reference, and general information purposes only. It is not run by or directly affiliated with Mars Era (HK) Limited. Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited is copyright of Mars Era (HK) Limited. All trademarks and registered trademarks are proprietary to Mars Era (HK) Limited. The use of data and images is believed to fall under the fair dealing clause of copyright law.