Touno Island


Event Rules

In this event there are two separate scores - repute score and event score. Event score is used to determine overall event rank placement and is increased with every stroll step taken, although the amount differs depending on the encounter resulting from the step. Repute score is utilized to purchase items in the exchange and is only awarded when an encounter results in acquisition of business intel.

Festival Stroll

Event Energy: 30, recover +1 every XX


Stamina cost will increase each time you chat with the same person.

Kagura Dance

Drinking with Amaterasu


Repute Rewards

Lucky Bag


Ranking Rewards

External Links

Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited


This page is for entertainment, reference, and general information purposes only. It is not run by or directly affiliated with Mars Era (HK) Limited. Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited is copyright of Mars Era (HK) Limited. All trademarks and registered trademarks are proprietary to Mars Era (HK) Limited. The use of data and images is believed to fall under the fair dealing clause of copyright law.