Fellow Improvements

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Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited


This page is for entertainment, reference, and general information purposes only. It is not run by or directly affiliated with Mars Era (HK) Limited. Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited is copyright of Mars Era (HK) Limited. All trademarks and registered trademarks are proprietary to Mars Era (HK) Limited. The use of data and images is believed to fall under the fair dealing clause of copyright law.

Aptitude Skills

Supreme Talent (SSR)

Applies to SSR-Rated Fellows. The Cost to Improve uses Skill Pearls

Supreme Talent Improvement LV 1-30
Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost
1 +3 3 11 +33 3 21 +63 3
2 +6 3 12 +36 3 21 +66 3
3 +9 3 13 +39 3 23 +69 3
4 +12 3 14 +42 3 24 +72 3
5 +15 3 15 +45 3 25 +75 3
6 +18 3 16 +48 3 26 +78 3
7 +21 3 17 +51 3 27 +81 3
8 +24 3 18 +54 3 28 +84 3
9 +27 3 19 +57 3 29 +87 3
10 +30 3 20 +60 3 30 +90 3

"Aptitude" is abbreviated to APT and "Improve Cost" is abbreviated to IC from this point forward.

Supreme Talent Improvement LV 31-90
31 +93 3 41 +123 3 51 +153 3 61 81
32 +96 3 42 +126 3 52 +156 3 62 82
33 +99 3 43 +129 3 53 +159 3 63 83
34 +102 3 44 +132 3 54 +162 3 64 84
35 +105 3 45 +135 3 55 +165 3 65 85
36 +108 3 46 +138 3 56 +168 3 66 86
37 +111 3 47 +141 3 57 +171 3 67 87
38 +114 3 48 +144 3 58 +174 68 88
39 +117 3 49 +147 3 59 69 89
40 +120 3 50 +150 3 60 70 90
Supreme Talent Improvement LV 91 -140
91 101 111 121 131
92 102 112 122 132
93 103 113 123 133
94 104 114 124 134
95 105 115 125 135
96 106 116 126 136
97 107 117 127 137
98 108 118 128 138
99 109 119 129 139
100 110 120 130 140
Supreme Talent Improvement LV 141 - 190
141 151 161 171 181
142 152 162 172 182
143 153 163 173 183
144 154 164 174 184
145 155 165 175 185
146 156 166 176 186
147 157 167 177 187
148 158 168 178 188
149 159 169 179 189
150 160 170 180 190
Supreme Talent Improvement LV 191 - 250
191 201 211 221 241
192 202 212 222 242
193 203 213 223 243
194 204 214 224 244
195 205 215 225 245
196 206 216 226 246
197 207 217 227 247
198 208 218 228 248
199 209 219 229 249
200 210 220 230 250
Supreme Talent Improvement LV 251 - 300
251 261 271 281 291
252 262 272 282 292
253 263 273 283 293
254 264 274 284 294
255 265 275 285 295
256 266 276 286 296
257 267 277 287 297
258 268 278 288 298
259 269 279 289 299
260 270 280 290 300

Outstanding Talent (SR)

Cost skill pearls

Outstanding Talent Improvement LV 1-30
Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost
1 +2 2 11 +22 2 21 +42
2 +4 2 12 +24 2 21
3 +6 2 13 +26 2 23
4 +8 2 14 +28 2 24
5 +10 2 15 +30 2 25
6 +12 2 16 +32 2 25
7 +14 2 17 +34 2 27
8 +16 2 18 +36 2 28
9 +18 2 19 +38 2 29
10 +20 2 20 +40 2 30

Ordinary Talent (R - N)

Cost skill pearls

Ordinary Talent Improvement LV 1-30
Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost
1 +1 1 11 +11 1 21
2 +2 1 12 +12 1 21
3 +3 1 13 +13 23
4 +4 1 14 24
5 +5 1 15 25
6 +6 1 16 25
7 +7 1 17 27
8 +8 1 18 28
9 +9 1 19 29
10 +10 1 20 30

Type Expertise | Insight

Uses the character's associated type Insight item (ex: Brave Insight, Diligent Insight, etc) to improve the skill.

Type Expertise Improvement LV 1-30
Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost
1 +1 100 11 +11 100 21 +21 100
2 +2 100 12 +12 100 22 +22 100
3 +3 100 13 +13 100 23 +23 100
4 +4 100 14 +14 100 24 +24 100
5 +5 100 15 +15 100 25 +25 100
6 +6 100 16 +16 100 26 +26 100
7 +7 100 17 +17 100 27 +27 100
8 +8 100 18 +18 100 28 +28 100
9 +9 100 19 +19 100 29 +29 100
10 +10 100 20 +20 100 30 +30 100

"Aptitude" is abbreviated to APT and "Improve Cost" is abbreviated to IC from this point forward.

Type Expertise Improvement LV 31-60
Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost
31 +31 100 41 +41 100 51 100
32 +32 100 42 +42 100 52 100
33 +33 100 43 +43 100 53 100
34 +34 100 44 +44 100 54 100
35 +35 100 45 +45 100 55 100
36 +36 100 46 100 56 100
37 +37 100 47 100 57 100
38 +38 100 48 100 58 100
39 +39 100 49 100 59 100
40 +40 100 50 100 60 100

Bazaar Type Trading | Type Proficiency

Uses the character's associated type Proficiency item (ex: Brave Proficiency, Diligent Proficiency, etc) to improve the skill.

Names Used for Each Fellow Type

  • Weaponry Trading = Brave
  • Handicraft Trading = Diligent
  • Grimoire Trading = Informed
  • Cuisine Trading = Inspiring
  • Souvenir Trading = Unfettered
Bazaar Trading LV 1-30
Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost Lvl Aptitude Improve Cost
1 +1 15K 11 +11 21
2 +2 20K 12 +12 21
3 +3 24K 13 +13 23
4 +4 26.5K 14 +14 24
5 +5 29.5K 15 +15 25
6 +6 32K 16 +16 25
7 +7 34.5K 17 +17 27
8 +8 18 +18 28
9 +9 19 +19 29
10 +10 20 +20 30

Operation Skill

Details on Operation Skill

Operation Skills are leveled up using the item Study Notes

Mammon and Adeline have the `Omnipotent Operator` Skill title, however theirs is to be treated as the level for their rarity type rather than being the same.

Operation Faculty (1/200) When operating building of the Diligent type, its earning get +[##]% Table made for Jewlry....checking if similar to SSR characters or independent Mammon lv1

Operation Faculty IV
Lvl % Cost LVL % Cost LVL % Cost Lvl % Cost
1 +100% 1 11 21 31
2 +105% 1 12 22 32
3 +110% 2 13 23 33
4 +115% 2 14 24 34
5 +120% 3 15 25 35
6 +125% 3 16 26 36
7 +130% 4 17 27 37
8 +135% 4 18 28 38
9 +140% 19 29 39
10 20 30 40
Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost %
41 51 61 71
42 52 62 72
43 53 63 73
44 54 64 74
45 55 65 75
46 56 66 76
47 57 67 77
48 58 68 78
49 59 69 79
50 60 70 80
Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost %
81 91 101 111
82 92 102 112
83 93 103 113
84 94 104 114
85 95 105 115
86 96 106 116
87 97 107 117
88 98 108 118
89 99 109 119
90 100 110 120
Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost %
121 131 141 151
122 132 142 152
123 133 143 153
124 134 144 154
125 135 145 155
126 136 146 156
127 137 147 157
128 138 148 158
129 139 149 159
130 140 150 160
Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost % Lvl Cost %
161 171 181 191
162 172 182 192
163 173 183 193
164 174 184 194
165 175 185 195
166 176 186 196
167 177 187 197
168 178 188 198
169 179 189 199
170 180 190 200

Operation Effect

⭐ When operating buildings of the Diligent type, its earnings get and extra 20% (when unlocked)

⭐ When operating buildings of the Diligent type, its earnings get an extra 30% (when unlocked)

Limit Break


  • Level Cap 200 > 250 (R-Fellow)
    • (5) each of Bravery/Wisdom/Hope Crystal Ore
Operation Faculty III (SR)
Lvl % Cost LVL % Cost LVL % Cost Lvl % Cost
1 11 21 31
2 12 22 32
3 13 23 33
4 14 24 34
5 15 25 35
6 16 26 36
7 17 27 37
8 18 28 38
9 19 29 39
10 20 30 40
Operation Faculty II (R)
Lvl % Cost LVL % Cost LVL % Cost Lvl % Cost
1 11 21 31
2 12 22 32
3 13 23 33
4 14 24 34
5 15 25 35
6 16 26 36
7 17 27 37
8 18 28 38
9 19 29 39
10 20 30 40
Operation Faculty I (N)
Lvl % Cost LVL % Cost LVL % Cost Lvl % Cost
1 +30 1 11 21 31
2 +35 1 12 22 32
3 +40 13 23 33
4 14 24 34
5 15 25 35
6 16 26 36
7 17 27 37
8 18 28 38
9 19 29 39
10 20 30 40

External Links

Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited


This page is for entertainment, reference, and general information purposes only. It is not run by or directly affiliated with Mars Era (HK) Limited. Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited is copyright of Mars Era (HK) Limited. All trademarks and registered trademarks are proprietary to Mars Era (HK) Limited. The use of data and images is believed to fall under the fair dealing clause of copyright law.