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The Unlock Requirements to access the `Stage` section: Have (1) Fellow.

Adventuring isn’t possible without enough Gold. It costs Gold to progress through stages. The higher a Fellow's Power, the less Gold they’ll consume when adventuring.

The ability to use ☑️ Auto to progress through stages unlocks at Rank 4.

Once a player reaches Rank 30 or purchases a Monthly Pass, the Auto Handle function will be unlocked.

After clearing chapter 150 the Full-Auto function will be unlocked. Full-Auto will automatically Explore, Motivate, and Negotiate.

After the player reaches Rank 35 the number of uncompleted stage events that can be stored in the events list will increase to 100.

Stage Events

While adventuring, there is a chance to encounter various random events that will grant large rewards once completed. There are three types of events you can encounter.

  1. Fellow Assignment Events
  2. Choice Events
  3. Random Events

Fellow Assignment Events

These Events have a range of 1-4 slots to Assign Fellows to handle the management of completing the event. Certain events will only appear after a certain amount of progress in the game.

Fellow Events
Title Description # Type Prize - Assigned Type Prize - Non-Star Assigned Stage Record 1st Encountered
Camping Trip It's getting late and everyone is a little tired. You decide to pitch camp where you are and delegate a Fellow who is good at cooking to make dinner for everyone. 3 Diligent The Fellow's cooking skills were quite satisfactory, and it didn't take long before everyone could enjoy a hot meal together.

2xSSR/1R - 20 Fame

[UN] and Fellows slept by the campfire
Fairy of Wisdom A wise fairy is willing to provide assistance to one who is knowledgeable and erudite. Please choose a Fellow to receive a blessing. 2 Informed The fairy recognized the potential of your Fellows and provided them with guidance.

SR|R - (3) Informed Insight

Your Fellows couldn't win the favor of the fairy. It looks like they weren't wise enough.

Reward: (1) Informed Insight

[UN] said farewell to the fairy.
Symbol of Courage According to mountain tradition, whoever dares to bungee jump from the highest peak of the mountain will be considered a legend in bravery. Your Fellows decided to take on the challenge. 1 Brave 2x Magic Ore 1x Magic Ore [UN] encouraged their Fellows!
Heavy Rain Heavy rain has been pouring down for hours and the usually calm creek has become a turbulent river. In order to provide a crossing for everyone, you deploy a few of your Fellows to build a bridge. 2 Diligent The heavy rain seriously hindered the progress of the project, but the dauntless spirit of your Fellows inspired the residents to work together to build the bridge.

(2)SSR- (3) Secret Realm Horn

2x(SR) - (3) Secret Realm Horn

[UN] finished building the bridge.
Night of the Ghosts Night has fallen, and a weeping ghost can be seen drifting from place to place. Please delegate a brave, but observant Fellow to solve the problem. 2 Brave The Fellows bravely drove away the ghosts, and everyone could finally rest in peace.

2x(SSR) - (3) Gold Ring

[UN] had an unforgettable night! Prior to 211-3
Treasure Hunt You happen to find a treasure map which everyone is very excited to follow up on. You decide to send a group of your Fellows in search of the Treasure 2 Unfettered
Whose Responsibility? An extremely precious jewel was discovered in the mine and an argument broke out between the miners and the local residents over its ownership. They will only recognize the mediation of a respected, reputable person. 1 Informed The plan put forward by your Fellows convinced everyone and no one argued about the matter anymore.
  • Reward: (10) Fame
Your Fellows' qualifications and abilities were insufficient to convince the locals, so you had to intervene personally.
  • Reward: (5) Fame
[UN] decided to improve their prestige. 206-5

Choice Event

Offers 1-2 choices with an occasional third option that allows you to delay picking a choice. Regardless of choice, which will result in a different reward

Choice Encounters
Title Description Option 1 Option 2 Stage Records Encountered
Unidentified Flying Object A UFO suddenly appears in the sky before you. Just as you prepare to move closer for a better look, the UFO also notices your presence and slowly approaches. You decide to ___. Throw a stone
  • Prize: (20) Fame
  • Dialog: Fearing an attack, you preemptively throw a few stones at the other party. They drop what they're carrying and make a hasty retreat.
Say hello
  • Prize:
  • Dialog:
[UN] encountered a mysterious visitor.
Cave-In Accident A cave-in occurred at the mine, the panicked miners looked to you for a quick decision as to what to do. Prioritize saving lives
  • Prize: (5) Informed Insight
  • Dialog: You ordered your Fellows to lead everyone to safety as quickly as possible. Just as you and the last miner stepped out of the cave, the roof collapsed behind you. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately no one had been injured.
Find a sturdy support
  • Prize: (1) Fame
  • Dialog: You command your Fellows to buttress the main structure of the mine with huge stones and wait for it to stabilize before reinforcing it further. A catastrophe was averted and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
[UN] saved everyone. After going to Mines
Eco-Friendly In order to improve the natural environment, some local residents decided to introduce some new plant species to increase the greenery in the area. They asked you what plants to plant, and your decision is __. Introduce new meadows
  • Prize: (3) Unfettered Insight
  • The new grass species has extremely strong vitality and can even grow in the severe cold of the mountain peaks. It's perfect for re-growing the vegetation on the mountains.
Introduce new trees 252
Speculate in Jewels Someone on the roadside is advertising that some of their stones contain precious gems - if the stone you paid for contains a gem, you get to keep it. You decide to __. Judge by appearances
  • Prize: (2) Basic Hire Card
  • Dialog: You picked an interesting-looking stone, but cracking it open revealed nothing but common ore. You could tell after looking more closely that the vendor had tampered with its appearance.
Tap and listen
  • Prize: (1) Unidentified Insight
  • Dialog: By tapping on the stones, you accurately determine the location of high-quality minerals. The peddler praises you for your discerning eye.
[UN] tested their powers of observation!
Sphinx's Challenge A sphinx has presented you with a riddle: What single item can be used to fill a room entirely? Your answer is __? Light
  • Prize: (1) Stamina Potion
  • Your answer has impressed the Sphinx. It opens the way for you to explore and gives you a reward.
  • Prize: (1) Reforge essential oil
  • Your answer momentarily stunned the sphinx. You walked around it and took the prize.
[UN] solved the sphinx's riddle.
Take a Guess A group of people next to a roadside stall are carousing loudly and playing a gambling game with two cups, one of which has a coin inside. Which cup do you think the coin is in? You think it's ___. The Left Cup
  • Prize: (2) Exp Stone
  • The cup is lifted to reveal- nothing. You receive a small consolation prize.
The Right Cup
  • Prize: (1) Flower Necklace
  • As you guessed, the coin was in the cup on the right. You won the first prize.
[UN] tried their luck!
Muddy Road Due to heavy rain, the road ahead has become quite muddy. You decide to ___. Galloping on Horseback
  • Prize: (1) Hope Crystal Ore
  • Despite a bumpy ride, your horse trotted on tirelessly brought you to your destination in time. You fed it well at the restaurant as a reward.
Get off and walk
  • Prize: (1) Fame
  • Driving on the mud is dangerous, so you get off and walk with your horse. You even had fun playing a treasure hunt game, just to pass the time.
[UN] escaped from the bog
Song of Demise A large family living in the canyon who are devoted members of the church have been inadvertently doing harm to the undead residing in the nearby cemetery with the strength of their daily prayers. In order to mediate the conflict, you decide to ___. Help the undead move
  • Prize: (2) Potion of Inspiration
  • Although they aren't totally willing, the undead accepted the proposal in order to not be overpowered
Persuade the wealthy
  • Prize: (1) Fame
[UN] decided to improve their eloquence.
Take a guess A group of people next to a roadside stall are carousing loudly and playing a gambling game with two cups, one of which has a coin inside. Which cup do you think the coin is in? You think it's ____. The left cup The right cup
  • Prize: (1) Flower Necklace
  • As you gussed the coin was in the cup on the right. You won first prize.
[UN] tried their luck!
Act Bravely in a Just Cause While walking near a lake you see someone fall into the water. You notice that no one else is around, and in a split-second decision decide to ___. Jump in to save them
  • Prize: (1) Gold Ring
  • Despite the ice-cold lake water, you struggle hard to rescue the unfortunate person and drag them to shore. After receiving emergency treatment, they finally regain consciousness and thank you profusely.
Summon lake spirit
  • Prize: (1) Unidentified Insight
  • In a moment of inspiration, you loudly shouted at the lake that you had lost one of your citizens. As you had hoped, the god of the lake came to the surface to parley with you. As a reward for your forthrightness, the lake god sent the unfortunate citizen and the treasure at the bottom of the lake washing up onto the shore.
[UN] saved someone from drowning!
The Vampire's Request A weakened, emaciated vampire stopped you in the road and begged for aid -- she had not fed for many days. You decide to ____. Let her suck blood
  • Prize: (2) Gold Ring
  • The ravenous vampire exhibited no restraint and took a lot of your blood. It took a while for you to recover, and although the vampire left a thank-you gift, you made a mental note not to do such dangerous things in the future.
Give her food
  • Prize: (1) Basic Hire Card
  • You refused the vampire's request for blood but treated her to a hot meal. After having enough to eat, she left a thank-you gift and departed.
[UN] helped out the vampires in the way they required.
Cave-In Accident A cave-in occurred at the mine, the panicked miners looked to you for a quick decision as to what to do. Prioritize saving lives
  • Prize: (5) Informed Insight
  • You ordered your Fellows to lead everyone to safety as quickly as possible. Just as you and the last miner stepped out of the cave, the roof collapsed behind you. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately no one had been injured.
Find a sturdy support
  • Prize: (1) Fame
  • You commanded your Fellows to buttress the main structure of the mine with huge stones and wait for it to stabilize before reinforcing it further. A catastrophe was averted and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
[UN] saved everyone!

Random Event

These events require no choice from the player and appear intermittently through the progression of stages. They often have a small description of an event and give the player a random item, a random amount of Fame,

Random Encounters
Title Description Prize Stage Record Encountered
A Kind of Honesty While walking down the road, you absentmindedly tossed a stone into the nearby river and aroused the attention of the river god. After frankly admitting that you were just playing around and meant no harm, the river god granted you a gift. (10) Fame [UN] witnessed the true power of sincerity!
Crazy Cow A mad bull charged at you, but fortunately, you were quick enough to dodge out of the way and defeat it. (3) Crystal [UN] received deep gratitude. 1-2
Engineering Losses While exploring, you accidentally broke a miner's pickaxe. You were willing to compensate him for the damage but to your surprise, the miner was overjoyed because now he finally has a reason to get a new work tool. He even gave you a present. Goblin Club [UN] made the best of a bad situation.
Lamp from a Foreign Land You found a magic lamp and rubbed on its surface. To your surprise, a genie really did appear, but unfortunately it didn't understand what your wish was and instead gave you a small gift before disappearing. (4) Potion of Bravery [UN] is now determined to learn a new language!
Lord Crossing the River You came upon a river and were looking for a way to cross. A passing giant said it was shallow enough to cross on foot, though a dwarf sitting nearby warned you that the river was actually quite deep. You thanked them both for their advice and crossed over the bridge upstream instead. (1) Magic Ore [UN] Crossed the river!
Miracle Medicine You met a wandering doctor who gave you a magical potion that immediately gave you an energy boost after one . As an additional present, he gave you another potion and hoped that you would support his business in the future. (6) Brave Insight

or (1) Stamina Potion

[UN] drank a potion, revitalizing them from head to toe!
Pleasant Surprise As you put on your freshly laundered clothes and prepare to head out for the day, you suddenly recalled something. Digging through your pockets, you find a small pouch bursting with gold coins. 5x Crystal [UN] received an unexpected windfall!
Sad Sphinx While on the mountainside, you encountered a sphinx who was upset because a human had managed to solve her riddle. She was about to leap off a cliff, but you managed to calm her down and helped her come up with a new puzzle that totally stumped the next human who tried to pass. (3) Exp Stone [UN] helped to console a depressed sphinx.
Trouble with Books You encountered a talking magic book that claimed it could do anything. To test its claim, you challenged it to a game of rock-paper-scissors, and it quickly fell silent while trying to pick which option to play. While it was lost in thought, you took the opportunity to pocket the book. (1) Jewel Necklace [UN] overcame the Grimoire through sheer ingenuity! 249-6
Wave of Bats During working hours in a mine, a group of angry bats flew out from deep within the mine to complain about the constant construction noises that have been disrupting their rest. Just as things were about to escalate, you stepped in to mediate and successfully avoided a conflict. (3) Potion of Erudition [UN] resolved the contradiction. 232-5


Fellows will compete with bosses based on their attributes. Whoever has a higher attribute wins.

When negotiating with bosses, use Gold or Secret Realm Horns to motivate your Fellows. Motivating Fellows will temporarily improve their attributes.

Defeating bosses earn a huge amount of rare rewards, as well as experience for leveling up Fellows.

Bosses can be a fight or "challenge" or convincing

Win is based on power/POW level

You can "Challenge" the boss or "Leave". Choosing "Leave" does *not* result in missing the challenge, rather it allows you to delay completing it


Gold Motivation

Item Motivation

Completing the Boss typically results in the player being awarded a Fairy Bottle, Fellow EXP, and Fame

Stage Challenge
Stage Boss Title Boss POW Fame Fellow EXP
144-6 Mountain Residents 6.272M +8 20.57K

Story Line

[spoiler warning here...]

Stage 210-6

A few days later. Early morning.

  • Cimitir - [Username], Diaz secretly drove away a crane!
  • Player - What?
  • Player - Go find him, he shouldn't have gone far.
  • Erica - [Username]...
  • Player - No need to say, I know. Let's go to the mine!


  • Avar - Jewlry, Mammon, you are much happier than when I left. Cimitir is the same.
  • Jewlry - Yes! Jewlry remembered what she truly likes.
  • Jewlry - Look at these shiny things~ even more beautiful than gold.
  • Mammon - Lord Avar, I remembered what I truly want to do: invent Magic Ore machines.
  • Mammon - Look, this is a Magic Ore wheelchair, Magic Ore mine cart, Magic Ore aircraft...
  • Mammon - These are all my inventions.
  • Player - Let me explain Cimitir's situation.
  • NEGOTIATE with Avar [12.94m]
  • Player- Cimitir remembered her true dream.
  • Player- She gave up land and property and started building suitable houses for people of different races.
  • Avar- ...I don't understand. I don't understand why you are happy.
  • Avar- Jewlry, Cimitir, Mammon. I gave you gold, land, and mines.
  • Avar- This is what you desire, yet you are not happy.
  • Avar- But now, you hold onto things I don't understand, doing things I don't understand...
  • Avar- Yet you are very happy. Why?
  • Player- Ah...because you got it wrong. You didn't give them what they truly wanted.

Avar doesn't understand why everyone is so happy.


  • Player- Do you have any hobbies? Or things you want to do? Or dreams?
  • Avar fell into a long silence.
  • Avar- I...don't have any.
  • Avar- No, wait, I like making money.
  • Player- Not that, something more fundamental.
  • Player-You are a merchant, right? Why did you become a merchant in the first place?
  • Player- If you just want to make money, there are easier ways, right?
  • NEGOTIATE with Avar [13.07m]
  • Avar- I think I remember now.
  • Avar- When I was young, I liked to travel around.
  • Avar- To make it easier to go back and forth, I became a merchant.
  • Avar- I seem to have a natural talent for business, always able to easily make a lot of money.
  • Avar- After accumulating so much wealth that it couldn't be counted, I became the Archdemon of Greed.

Avar recalled his initial dream in life.

External Links

Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited


This page is for entertainment, reference, and general information purposes only. It is not run by or directly affiliated with Mars Era (HK) Limited. Isekai: Slow Life ©2023 Mars Era (HK) Limited is copyright of Mars Era (HK) Limited. All trademarks and registered trademarks are proprietary to Mars Era (HK) Limited. The use of data and images is believed to fall under the fair dealing clause of copyright law.