
Revision as of 05:06, 16 October 2023 by Cleo (talk | contribs) (Fixed table style)


Every time you roam, you spent Stamina. Stamina recovers at a rate of (1) Point every (30) minutes. Stamina will not continue to grow once the Stamina limit is reached. The Player can improve their Stamina limit by increasing their Rank.

When the Player begins Roaming, the protagonist will travel to (1) Random location where they will experience one of the following:

  1. Encounter a random Family character
    • Increases Intimacy with the Family member
  2. Trigger an event with a Fellow
    • Will earn the Player a random reward
  3. Encountering a new Family member
    • Encountering a new Family member will increase your bond with the character. When your bond level has reached a certain point, they will join your family.

Each location has different Family and Fellow events that can be encountered at that location.

Recharge item:

It costs (1) Stamina to visit a location. The ability to user ☑️Quick Roaming unlocks at Player Rank 18 or VIP2. The location is chosen at random by the game. Each location will have different Family and NPC events, these too unlock as you level up and unlock additional characters.


Currently there a (11) locations that the player can visit when using Roaming, the first 10 of which the player is taken to at random. The 11th - The Warf - is only visited when the player completes the Bond requirements to unlock a new Family member.

  1. Art Gallery
  2. Bar
  3. Bazaar
  4. Casino
  5. Coffee Shop
  6. Fortune Teller
  7. Hedge Dungeon
  8. Jewelry Shop
  9. Observation Deck
  10. Opera House
  11. Warf

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Art Gallery

[insert image of background?]

Fellow Encounters:
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Angie What do you think this painting is trying to express? A lovesick girl? Unspoken love? ...Hey, you really understand it. Angie discussed her thoughts on art with you. (1) Study Notes 20
Anne So you're interested in art too? Take it. It's a treasure from the voyage. You can bring me something next time!

Blessing: Unexpected Wealth banner

Congratulations Banner (50) Crystal 20
Guarg Shh! Don't ruin my part-time job! I am the most popular "sculpture" here, standing still can earn money. Here, take these, don't make a fuss! Guarg gave you hush money. (1) Potion of Diligence 20
Jewlry There are so many rules here, even snacks cannot be eaten..Can you help me keep them safe? Jewlry asked you to keep her snacks safe. (1) Focus Candy 20
Mescal To those who don't understand, these paintings are just scraps of paper. Only those with a discerning eye can evaluate the value of art. Do you have such an eye? Mescal recognized your keen eye. (1) Potion of Inspiration 20
Family Encounters:
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Isatilra Another form of art...worth savoring, maybe it will help with my dance. Isatilra has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Merry Unlocks:
Merry: Required Bond (15)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
2 Eek-! H-Hello... We meet again...I'm sorry...I'm not getting used to communicating with others yet... Merry has spent a wonderful time with you Bond +1 20
3 It's said on books that...discussing weather can narrow the gap between's weather is really good...? Ha-haha... Merry has spent a wonderful time with you Bond +1 20
4 Can I draw a portrait for you? Um... I-I didn't mean anything...It's-it's just that I want to get closer to you...But this is the only thing I'm good at...Sorry... Merry has spent a wonderful time with you Bond +1 20
5 Player: It's really rare to see Merry not hiding herself today~

Merry: ...[Username]!? It's you...You scared me...I-I'm practicing...for my debut interview... Merry: After meeting [Username], I tried to gather my courage...and stopped hiding any more.. So more and more people are willing to see my painting... Merry: And because I received some good reviews....I can now officially debut artist. Player: Debut? That's great! Congratulations ~ Merry: It-it's a good thing indeed! But...but I need to be interviewed for my debut...Waaaah! Just thinking about facing that many people... Merry: The gallery side is worrying that I may make some they prepared the questions and answers in advance...It'll be fine if I memorize them all... Player: Let me see... "Q: Why did you start painting? A: Because I love it so I've been working hard." Player: "Q: How do you evaluate Master Rollin, who is in the same school of art as you? A: Her skill has always been my goal to strive for." Player: "Q: Will you hold a personal exhibition? A: No, no, my level is far from enough." Player: Only three questions in total and they all seem pretty simple..All right, let me help you practice! After practicing with Merry for a while, the gallery manager takes her to the stage. The debut interview starts as scheduled, and the audience is packed with reporters and tourists. Host: Today, another emerging colorist painter has announced to debut. Let's welcome Miss Merry Howard! Merry: Eek-! Player: (Merry...It looks like she's going to pass out. Can she really remember all those answers?) Host: I believe everyone must have lots of questions to ask so let's start with the simple ones...Miss Merry, why did you start painting? Merry: Ah...I-I... I like painting! So I've been working hard! Player: (Wow, thank goodness!) Host: Great answer! Then next question is...will you hold a personal exhibition in the future? Player: (Huh? The order of questions seems to have changed..But the content still remains the same...Merry should...) Merry: Ah..I...That's my goal to strive for! Player: (-Merry! Listen to the question before answering! But it's okay. This answer can still work...) Host: I didn't expect Miss Merry to have such great ambitions! So, the last question...How do you evaluate Master Rollin, who is in the same school of art as you? Merry: Ah...Ah...Ah... Merry: ...No, no, the level is far from enough! Player: (...) The whole room falls silent for two seconds. Everyone is stunned for a while. [TBA]

7 *Sob* I made lots of mistakes on my last interview...At last, the curator came to clarify for me...But the reporters seem to prefer my original answers... Merry has spent a wonderful time with you. Bond +1 20
8 Can you turn your head a little bit right? I think you look more handsome like this...ah...! This...this is on the perspective of painting! No-no other meaning! Merry has spent a wonderful time with you. Bond +1 20
10 I won't get nervous seeing [UN]... Thank you for accompanying me... Eek-! My-my tail still has not got used to it yet! Merry has spent a wonderful time with you. Bond +1 20

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[insert image]

Fellow Encounters:
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Angie Hmmm? Do I look like prey to you? This is the most suitable disguise for a hunter here. Angie gave you a gift. (1) Hope Crystal Ore 20
Family Encounters:
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Susie Unlocks:
Susie: Required Bond (10)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Joyce Unlocks:
Joyce: Required Bond (15)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
(repeats) Ah~ More persistent than the average customer..It's going to take some skill to satisfy your appetite -- Mandela Sunrise! Joyce has spent a wonderful time with you Dependent on item used. 20
12 of 15 When will you be satisfied? Do you like something a little more exciting? Then try this -- Red Dragon Heart! Joyce has spent a wonderful time with you Dependent on item used. 20
15 You...I see. Well, this leaves me with my final work: Special Joycae! I'll be here for you until I can mix a drink to your satisfaction! From today, I'm yours~ Joyce has spent a wonderful time with you Dependent on item used. 20
Maynard Unlocks:
Maynard: Required Bond (15)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Sadako Unlocks:
Sadako: Required Bond (25)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Clarice Unlocks:
Clarice: Required Bond (25)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Bullety Unlocks:
Bullety: Required Bond (25)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame

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Fellow Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Augustine Hehe, young people shouldn't forget about their loved ones even when working overtime. Come on, buy some flowers for your lover.

- Triggers the Date Effect Flowering Fate. You can now choose a specific Family member for your next date.


Flowering Fate: The next date will be held with the chosen family member.

Flowering Fate 20
Arake I need to buy some straw to replenish my body!...When did these scrolls get in here? I don't know! Just take them! Arake found a scroll in her body. (1) Normal Artifact Chest 20
Geast "Something seems to have been mixed into this flour. Thanks for noticing, otherwise it would have been dangerous to eat!" Geast found foreign objects in the flour. (1) Bravery Crystal Ore 20
Maxim Wow! I didn't expect to find such precious materials in the market. Now I can make high-level magic potions! My lord, please accept this! Maxim gave you a bottle of strange potion. (5) Potion of Bravery 20
Prim Are you here to buy materials too, [Username]? Prim just got some cheap magic ore and she'll share it with you! Prim shared her treasure with you. (1) Magic Ore 20
Pump Can you help me put these pumpkins on the shelves? Please, I can give you some magic potions. Pump expressed gratitude towards you. (1) Potion of Freedom 20
Family Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Charlotte I used to work here alone. Today I came to shop with [Username]. It's really interesting~ Charlotte has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Ookami(after unlock) Pick out some of your favorite ingredients. I'll prepare for your dinner tonight~ You enjoyed Ookami's service. Intimacy +1 20
Vivian Vio, Lily, what do you want to eat tonight? Vivian has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Charlotte Unlocks
Charlotte: Required Bond (##)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Ookami Unlocks

Becomes available after Charlotte becomes Family.

Ookami: Required Bond (8)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
  • Player: (My stomach is rumbling, but it’s meal time and all the shops around here. Have really long queues…)
  • (Only this wagashi shop doesn’t have any customer. It is the first time I’ve seen a shop like this in Drakenberg. Let’s give it a try~)
  • A graceful woman in a kimono stands at the door of the shop. When you approach, she gives you a bright smile.
  • Gentle female Oni: Oh my, a guest! This little shop of ours is truly proud to be in business now that we have the honor of your visit~
  • Player: (Wow! Such a gentle big sister, she must be the model that the "Yamato Nadeshiko" ideal is based on~) Hello, table for one, please.
  • Gentle female Oni: Thank you so much for choosing to dine here! May I show you to a table by the window?
  • Player: Anywhere is fine, I'm mainly here for the food.
  • Gentle female Oni: Of course, please wait a moment and I'lI take you to your seat.
  • Player: Okay, thank you... Wait, what the-!?
  • The tall proprietress picks you up, carries you toward a table by the window and places you on a chair.
  • Gentle female Oni: Please have a seat here and rest a moment~
  • Player: Oh... okay... Um, thank you... (Why did she hug me?!)
  • Gentle female Oni: May I offer you something to drink? Juice, soda, or perhaps an alcoholic beverage? It's all complimentary, as long as it makes you happy~
  • Player: Um, that' alright, just water please... I' m actually ready to order now, I'd like to try your regular wagashi.
  • Gentle female Oni: Very well, understood. Please wait a moment while I prepare it for you.
  • Player: Thank you. (Wow, this shop owner is really enthusiastic... not to mention strong.)
  • You suddenly hear a loud noise from the kitchen.
  • Player: W-what was that sound? What happened?!
  • Gentle female Oni: Thank you for waiting. I'm sorry to have startled you, I was just preparing your dish... Here's your wagashi.
  • Player: Thank you... Mmmh, this is delicious! I didn't expect to find such authentic wagashi in Drakenberg!
  • Gentle female Oni: Wonderful, it's my greatest honor to see you enjoy your meal. Please wait, if you will...
  • Soon, the Oni brings out another plate of wagashi from the kitchen.
  • Player: Hmm? I only ordered one serving though, didn't I?
  • Gentle female Oni: This is a complimentary gift to thank you for dining with us. Please enjoy!
  • Player: Oh, okay. Thanks...
  • After watching you finish, the Oni brings out another plate of wagashi from the kitchen.
  • Over the course of the afternoon, you end up eating a total of ten servings.
  • Player: *Burp* No, please...I really... *burp* can't eat anymore... Thank you so much...*burp* for your hospitality...
  • Gentle female Oni: Are you sure you're full, my liege? Please don't hesitate to take the remaining wagashi with you as a gift to thank you for your visit-
  • Gentle female Oni: I apologize for any shortcomings in my service. I hope to have the honor of a future visit-
You enjoyed Ookami's service. Bond +1 20

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Fellow Encounters:
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Elise These are your spoils for today... wow, looks like you had really good luck today. Elise gave you good luck. (1) Potion of Erudition 20
Ida In fairy tales, the protagonist always encounters setbacks before achieving success, and then they can get items that can change their fate...Please take this~ Ida gave you an item to change the ending. (1) Potion of Freedom 20
Mirac Ahh, I didn't expect to lose in a poker game. You're really good ~ Here, this is the promised prize.

[Can encounter prior to recruiting]

Mirac gave you a prize. (1) Building Upgrade Blueprint 20
Reir This is not a place for good kids to come... hehe, or maybe you're like me and don't want to be a "good kid" either~? Reir shared Friendship with you. (1) Focus Candy 20
Family Encounters:
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Gina Whoa...So many beautiful decorations...Whoo...

Gina's eyes are glazing over...

Gina has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Selena This is the entertainment place on the ground..Hey, where are you looking! Don't let anyone else catch your eye except me! Selena has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20

Currently there is not a character the Player can meet and Bond with in the Casino.

TBA Family Unlock:
TBA NAME: Required Bond (##)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame

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Coffee Shop


Fellow Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Augustine's not a bad thing to slow down the pace of life a bit. Sit down, have a cup of coffee, and listen to my story. Augustine talked about his past. (5) Unidentified Insight 20
Belle The coffee here seems quite popular. If our inn could make it too... Belle shared her learning experience with you. (1) Inspiring Insight 20
Brotein Ordinary coffee won't suffice for high-intensity physical exertion, but adding this will multiply its effects. Try some. It's the devil's recipe. Brotein taught you the Devil's recipe. (1) Potion of Bravery 20
Fifi So many customers! We should learn from them how they are running this business. Fifi shared her learning experience with you. (5) Unidentified Insight 20
Meaden Coffee can perk you up. You look tired...would you like a cup?

Player selects a Fellow of their choice from their current allies.

Generalized "Congratulations" banner. +3K Power added to chosen Fellow's currently Power 20
Reir Gee...this wine is getting me going. Let me play you a tune.


-"Try it out" Pay (5) Crystal

  • Oops, I accidentally broke a string...Hahaha, please bear with my performance.
    • Get 1 Stamina
  • Heh, I played it all the way through this time. You're so lucky...that's not easy to come by.
    • Get 2 Stamina
  • Ohhhh, the inspiration just keeps coming! What a perfect improvisation~
    • Get 3 Stamina

No, thanks
  • Congratulations screen pops up.
If selected "Try it out":

Stamina + [Amount Acquired]

No, thanks.

- Congratulations screen pops up

"Try it out"

Gain +1-3 Roaming Stamina.

No, thanks.

- No reward gained.

Rogile No seats left? Let's share a table~ By the way, is there anything interesting happening lately? This is a thank-you gift, please chat with me more~ Rogile shared the latest gossip with you. (1) Potion of Inspiration 20
Family Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Denier The color and taste of coffee remind me of hell, bitter and deep...Hehe~ Don't get lost there, little mushroom~ Denier has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Epona Coffee is a great drink because it hydrates and energizes. Epona has spent a wonderful time with you. +1 Intimacy 20
Freyja Every time I come here, I remember the wonderful scenes when I met [Username]. You spent some time with Freyja at the observation deck. Intimacy +1 20

Family Unlocks: Catherine
Catherine: Required Bond (28)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
2 [Username], have you come to help me understand these times? Thank you so much! I've been studying the language in use these days for some time and have learned to spell your name~ You had coffee and chatted with Catherine. Bond +1

(req 28)

20/24 So magic no longer serves destruction...hehe~ If it had been like this three hundred years ago, I might have been more interested in learning~ (20/28) You had coffee and chatted with Catherine. Bond +1

(req 28)

22/27 Every evening, I can see many children passing by here after school, excitedly telling their parents about their wonderful experiences of the day...Seeing such a scene really makes one happy. You had coffee and chatted with Catherine. Bond +1

(req 28)

26 Some mages recently invited me to join their war research. I thought it was another ominous omen, but it turned out they were just playing a tabletop game simulating war... You had coffee and chatted with Catherine. Bond +1

(req 28)


Fortune Teller

Fellow Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Acedia Ah, I can't work anymore...I'll leave it to my subordinates. You go finish the job...I need to rest... Acedia's henchmen followed you back to the village. (1) Basic Hire Card 20
Dr. Dotor Let me read your fortune! Ah, you need this potion... Hehehe, this isn't a prophecy, it's just a doctor's diagnosis. Doctor Dort gave you good medicine. (1) Potion of Bravery 20
Liz Are you here for a fortune-telling too? I have a feeling that today's predictions will be accurate! My own prediction was spot on too. Liz shared good luck with you. (1) Potion of Bravery 20
Rani Meditation and divination are both ways to obtain insight. For you, no matter what you choose, it will lead to the same inevitable outcome. Rani divined your fate. (1) Secret Realm Horn 20
Rani According to fate, you will encounter a pair of children needing your help on your next meeting with your sweetheart. Congratulations Banner

Divination of Fate

Receive Blessing:

Divination of Fate: Two children can be adopted during your next date.

Family Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Bridgette Can you predict the ending of this story? It's too painful to wait for the next release! Damn it! It stopped at the key place again! Bridget has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Dia What? That book is actually in love with the candlestick...The master is fine, I'm just chatting with the props here. Dia has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Sofia (after she becomes Family) Ah! This place is so nostalgic~ [Username]. Do you still remember that time... You helped Sofia solve some problems. Intimacy +1 20
TBA NAME: Required Bond (##)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Sofia The fortune teller said my work will go smoothly! I promise I'll work hard! You helped Sofia solve some problems. Bond +1 (Requires 12) 20

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Hedge Dungeon

Fellow Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Lincale The creatures that can be seen everywhere in life also contain infinite academic significance. If you are interested in research, I can share my achievements with you. Lincale shared his research findings with you. (1) Potion of Freedom 20
Mammon You are a young person with potential to be able to come here... Would you like to help me with some experiments? Think about it carefully, this is a deposit. Paid you a deposit. (1) Potion of Bravery 20
Meaden This is my secret spot for gathering materials, don't tell anyone else, okay? Consider this a bribe to keep quiet. Meaden gave you the Fairy's secret medicine (1) Focus Candy 20
Quenchy Hey, move aside! I came here to test my new invention because there aren't many people around, but it's very dangerous! Here are the blueprints, go study it on your own! Quenchy sent you away with a design plan. (1) Building Upgrade Blueprint 20
Woolf Are you staring so intently because you're afraid the little lambs will eat the flowers? Don't worry, they're well-behaved. Look, these are the herbs they found. Woolf's little lambs brought back some herbs (1) Potion of Diligence 20
Family Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Melody Come here and laze about for a while. In this Dungeon, no one will notice... Melody has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Nene Come, play hide and seek... You can't peek...? Nene has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Otherin "If any monsters get out....Please stay behind me..." Otherin has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Chihaya: Required Bond (##)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
1 TBA You Spent an unforgettable time with Chihaya. Bond +1 20
2 TBA You Spent an unforgettable time with Chihaya. Bond +1 20
3 There is a lot of free time to do in the academy. The other students always work in groups, but I prefer to do my research alone. You Spent an unforgettable time with Chihaya. Bond +1 20
9 Monsters are amazing, they have all sorts of special abilities. Just thinking about it is so interesting. If only I could be reborn as a monster......... You Spent an unforgettable time with Chihaya. Bond +1 20
10,13 I bet you think I'm a "top student?" I'm not pursuing high grades, to be honest, I'm just studying to satisfy my curiosity. You Spent an unforgettable time with Chihaya. Bond +1 20

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Jewelry Shop


Fellow Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Björnson Fate has brought us together, so I'll give you this jewelry. I'm just a simple person, and wearing this would be wasted on me. Björnson gave you jewelry as a gift. (1) Hope Crystal Ore 20
Denisa Hmmm, so many silverware......... luckily I brought this. You can have some too, even though you are not a vampire, it should have other uses. Denisa help you improve your endurance. (1) Potion of Diligence 20
Loya "Work report, analyzing and testing the quality of jewelry raw materials, please wait."

[Can be encountered prior to Recruiting]

Loya completed the appraisal of the jewelry. (1) Wisdom Crystal Ore 20
Lux No matter how many accessories there are, they are just external things. Improving your temperament can make you look more beautiful than these vulgar means.

[Can be encountered prior to Recruiting] [Check if is encountered prior to appearing in storyline]

Lux's power made you feel refreshed. (1) Potion of Erudition 20
Family Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Lina How do I look with this on? Lina has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Lilith Oh, dear, are you picking gifts for me? But actually, it's enough for me to have you around...♡ Lilith has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Ena Unlocks
Ena: Required Bond (50)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Fated one! Here to make a contract? Hehehe, just let yourself become the font of magical power from which Enad'Num shall feast! Eh? Sorry! Please, please don't go! Practice magic with Ena Bond +1 20
Today's commission to eradicate evil has ended...What commission, you ask? Why, cleansing impurities from pottery vessels, and distributing publications of my deeds to the mortals, of course... Practice magic with Ena same same
18 You have such strong magic power, but you never show your strength...You really have the potential to become an Archdemon! Ena has spent a wonderful time with you. Bond +1 20
21 Enad'Num often see you here. It seems that your taste in accessories has reached my level...Or has fate brought us together, after all? Ena has spent a wonderful time with you. Bond +1 20
25 Enad'Num see. You are also a destined king, entrusted with the responsibility of leading the village. Enad'Num, too, bear the title of Master of Magic. Turns out we make quite the pair! Ena has spent a wonderful time with you. Bond +1 20

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Observation Deck

Fellow Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Anne Need help? Our long voyage has just ended, and there are many brothers who have retired. They are all good boys, so please treat them well if you hire them! Anne helped you recruit many people. (1) Advanced Hire Card 20
Emosen Hey! This is something I brought back from the other side of the sea~ Emosen brought souvenirs from the adventure. (1) Potion of Inspiration 20
Fifi The sea is so beautiful! I heard there are inns specifically located by the sea for people to enjoy the view? I kind of want to go check it out. Fifi shared her learning experience. (1) Wisdom Crystal Ore 20
Hawker Wow... What a beautiful girl! Don't you think? The one swimming in the distance. Hawker shared the beautiful scenery with you. (1) Inspiring Insight 20
Ira Hmm...I will definitely learn how to swim... I'm not afraid! I am the Archdemon of Wrath! Ira is full now, but her courage inspires you. (1) Bravery Crystal Ore 20
Kaity Today is calm and perfect for fishing! Even though the fish aren't biting yet, I caught this~ Kaity gave you the great things she caught while fishing. (1) Potion of Freedom 20
Maxim The sea, it's the sea~~!!...Oops, sorry sir, I got a little too excited. Maxim excitedly shared his insights on observing the sea. (1) Unidentified Insight 20
Family Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame

After joining Family

Every time I come here, I remember the wonderful scenes when I met [Username]... You spent some time with Freyja at the observation deck. Intimacy +1 20
Pinor Heheh, such a beautiful view...And it goes great with wine. Pinor has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Freyja Unlock
Freyja: Required Bond (4)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
1 Bond +1 20
2 Bond +1 20
3 [UN]! You came to see me~ It's delightful to see your heroic image~ You spent some time with Freyja at the observation deck. Bond +1 20
4 Bond +1 20
Lulu Unlock
Lulu: Required Bond (105)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
12, 15, 19 I wonder how my father and mother are doing...I'm not homesick! I'm fulfilling my duty by staying in Drakensberg as collateral for our debt! You competed with Princess Lulu Bond +1 20
13 The people here are fortunate to have been born on fertile land..But don't be too proud! Our people will not lose to you! They will definitely be happier! You competed with Princess Lulu Bond +1 20
14,17,18 I think the way you do things is brilliant. Do you want to come to my country to govern? You'll definitely achieve great things! You competed with Princess Lulu Bond +1 20

Opera House


Fellow Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Adeline "Great hero, which axe did you drop"...hehe, I sang that pretty well didn't I? It's all about technique, do you want me to teach you~? Adeline taught you singing skills. (1) Reforge essential oil 20
Avar I cannot understand the pain of the characters in the play. They spend their entire lives pursuing elixirs, but to me, it's just a fleeting moment...If you also feel distressed, please take this. Avar used his Authority for you. (1) Potion of Erudition 20
Trady Such a hot drama must be a great business opportunity. If we can negotiate a joint product...Oh, are you also interested in my business plan~ Trady discussed business plans with you. (1) Reforge essential oil 20

Family Encounters
Character Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
Rachel Take me to such a luxurious place...Won't I embarrass you? Is this really okay? Rachel has spent a wonderful time with you. Intimacy +1 20
Kaka: Required Bond (35)
Meeting # Dialog Summary Rewards Fame
  • Weak little lion: Please..please buy a ticket..It's a for a wonderful opera.. "The Lion King"...
  • The little Lionfolk stammered out her promotion and didn't manage to sell a single ticket. You decided to help out.
  • [Player] You have to use a strong voice to attract customers - don't be shy, just let it out: "A wonderful play! Tickets available now!"
  • WLL: Yes, yes! A wonderful play - tickets available now.
  • His voice rand through the street, clear and pleasant, and he immediately attracted several customers. The tickets quickly sold out.
  • He thanked you sincerely and you stood up and talked for a while. You learned that his name was Kaka, and that he was a trainee actor in the local acting troupe.
  • Kaka: I'm not strong enough yet, but I'm working hard to become a lead actor!
  • Theatre Director: Kaka, there you are! The lead actor was just injured during rehearsal and can't perform tonight.
  • TD: Everyone else in the troupe already has a role, so you're up!
  • Kaka: ....Wait, but..but I..Aah?! How am I suddenly?!
  • [Player] This is great, I bet you never expected your dream to be realized so soon.
  • Kaka: But this is too fast...!
You practiced with Kaka Bond +1 20
13, 17 Kaka: The performance is coming up soon... [UserName], can I really do it? You practiced with Kaka. Bond +1 20
15,16,19 Kaka: The weather is so nice...[Username], will you take a walk with me? I need a change of mood. You practiced with Kaka. Bond +1 20

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Player is sent to the Warf when they receive a letter. There will be an animated pigeon wearing a small hat sitting on top of the [] holding an envelop with the back/opening towards the player with a red heart over the lip of the letter.


  • Triggered on Achieving Full Bond Points: The ship is about to depart, I don't know if this letter can be delivered on time or not...Can you come to the pier? There are some things I want to tell you.
    • Player will be automatically taken to the Pier for a cutscene

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  • The boat you 'hire' to transport you around Drakenberg's canals is a gondola.
  • Boatter is the character that steers your gondola around Drakenberg.
    • Boatter's bio informs you that the Drakenberg Port is located at the Drakenberg Observatory.
  • Denisa mentions silverware when you encounter her in the Jewelry shop. Silver is often a common allergy to vampires and many other mythical creatures in folk lore.

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